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Initial page (presentation)
“The people look at the things that exist and if they ask Reason? I dream things that had never existed and ask Reason?
I believe that many people who are possibly visiting this site, fit small apresentação.o. My name dream, 33 years, currently resident portuense and in the outskirts of the Port.
Married with a woman lindissima, of which he gave fruit, a boy lindissimo of 5 aninhos.
Work, I always look new challenges in my professional life.
In 2005 I initiated to make blogs, and I was myself getting passionate for these things, from there that for times who creates one, wants soon more, and already 7 go there blogs.
Now idea appeared me it to make a page (site) does not go to run away very what they are accustomed in blogs, but with more content.
All this interest for the Internet made to develop me this site, where I wait that it is of all, of your affability, subjects that fascinate me in this world of the Web. I wait that they like it content and they send me you criticize and suggestions, I go to have the biggest pleasure in answering you.
dream commands the life